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How do anti-aging treatments work, and are they worth it?

“Anti-aging” can be a buzzword. But how do anti-aging treatments work, and are they worth your hard-earned money? Let’s find out!

What is an “anti-aging” treatment?

When you think of the term “anti-aging” it’s important to understand what that means. It implies a fight against aging, or a reversal of aging.

However, when we speak of “anti-aging treatments” we are speaking about reducing or removing visible signs of aging. Often, these come in the form of wrinkles, laxity, rough skin texture, dryness and dark spots on the face, neck and décolletage (i.e. the chest).

How possible is it to achieve true anti-aging results?

Removing visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles, brown spots or sagging skin, can be achieved to a degree, but it won’t make you look 20 or 30 years younger, in most cases. There are celebrities who are 50, but look 30. That’s true. However, these celebrities did not start their fight against visible aging at 50. They began much earlier in life.

Anti-aging treatments actually perform best when combined with aging prevention. You should be doing all you can to keep your skin healthy in your early years. For example, by eating nutritious foods, using sunscreen, plus avoiding sun exposure, alcohol, cigarettes and other sources of free radicals. Then, by the time you are 50, you will have much better results when undergoing advanced anti-aging treatments.

This is true both when it comes to surgical and non-surgical procedures to reduce the look of aging skin.

Why do we need anti-aging treatments?

Most people don’t like the look of aging skin. It can be a source of insecurity for some.

The reason we use anti-aging treatments is to bring back our youthful appearance.

When we’re young, our bodies produce a lot more collagen than when we’re older. This is why baby skin can be so smooth and ‘dewy.’

So, folks who are aging need a way to get ‘back’ to faster collagen production.

How do clinical anti-aging treatments work?

Now, the juicy part: how do clinical anti-aging treatments work?

Most of the time, anti-aging treatments aim to induce collagen production in the skin. The main way they accomplish this is with very tiny, controlled injuries – preferably beneath the epidermis (the skin’s top layer).

Think about when you get a cut or wound in your skin. Your body quickly begins repairing those skin tissues, until the injury is completely healed over. This is collagen production (skin is made up largely of collagen).

But, this is also how scars and hyperpigmentation spots are formed, when the cut is deep. When achieving anti-aging results, we don’t want scars or spots to appear.

This is where technology and science get interesting. Using a variety of tools, such as radio-frequency heat, ultrasound heat, laser energy, microneedles, suture insertions, exfoliation techniques or even chemicals, doctor’s offices can create little injuries without creating a scar. Of course, this is barring surgical procedures, which can also be considered ‘anti-aging.’

The little injuries in our skin force the body to start making more and more collagen, to replenish the skin it has lost.

The tinier the injuries are, the less downtime a patient experiences. But, if you want ‘big’ results, then bigger injuries will be required, as well as longer downtime.

Now, it’s worth noting that anti-aging treatments can also include injectable treatments, such as with Botox® and dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm®. These may not induce collagen per se, but they can help reduce the look of wrinkles and lines.

Can anti-aging treatments be performed at home?

Anti-aging actually starts at home. As we mentioned above, aging prevention is key when it comes to seeing results from anti-aging treatments.

To prevent signs of aging, skin needs to be treated on a daily basis. This is where at-home skin care routines come into play.

Every time you use a face mask, or apply retinol to your face, you remove little, tiny bits of dead skin cells. This is pertinent to skin cell turnover, which doctor’s offices do in a more dramatic way.

A good anti-aging skin care routine will also include cleansing, moisturizing and possibly serums that impart vitamins and beneficial ingredients which our skin needs to function and heal properly.

For example, when you exfoliate, your skin needs to begin repairing itself. It would be helped a lot if it were receiving peptides, which can become collagen, as well as hyaluronic acid and ceramides, to produce and retain moisture.

In another example, if your skin has been exposed to the UV rays, or even visible blue light from computer screens, it may be in a cycle of free radical damage (which leads to aging). This can be helped by antioxidants, like vitamin C, which neutralize free radicals.

So, in short, YES, anti-aging treatments can, and should, be performed at home, on a daily basis. But clinical anti-aging treatments should be performed in doctor’s offices.

Are anti-aging treatments worth it?

Anti-aging treatments are worth it if you appreciate looking your best self. For some people, appearance matters more than with others. There is nothing wrong with this. Keeping skin healthy so that it ‘glows’ and looks youthful can be considered beautiful, which many people enjoy looking at.

Plus, skin is an organ, just like the liver or heart are organs. Keeping skin healthy should be on everyone’s mind – the same way we should all want our kidneys to stay healthy. That means cleansing, moisturizing, wearing sunscreen and taking in antioxidants are not just for beauty fanatics!

But – and this is important – not all “anti aging” claims are true. That is why, before you spend money on these treatments, you should research whether or not they are scientifically proven.

The first step in seeing what anti-aging treatments can do for you, is to book a consultation with an anti-aging doctor. Ideally, they will have multiple types of treatments on hand, to be able to customize a plan that’s right for you. And, they should be able to show you clinical studies, as well as before and after photos of successful treatments. This way, you can make your choice with confidence.

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