
Yesterday Brazil started not only a new year but a new hope with the official inauguration of the elected president Lula. This is not an ordinary thing. After 8 years of continuous decadence and political instability, Brazil finally has a president that cares about social justice, fight against poverty and will do something to preserve Amazon Rainforest and protect people living there (especially indigenous people).

We were a little bit worried about terrorism during the inauguration ceremony, because there are some crazy people trying to imitate the US crazy people who stormed the Capitol. But, fortunately, everything went well.

Since the context became very conservative and arid during these years, and the public budget left by the former president is chaotic, it won't be easy for Lula and the new government to do all they need to recover the country. But we already can see some important changes: ethnic minorities assuming positions on ministries, resumption of real diplomatic relations that the former government had abandoned, measures to increase the transparency of public budget and political decisions, measures for poverty alleviation and fighting against deforestation.

I'm jealous of countries able to make long term plans and chart the path for their development without (or despite) the interference of the US imperialism. I hope Brazil will reach this point one day. For now, we need to rely on governments like Lula, when they happen.

Ok, now I'm going to study Chinese.